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For years I've been telling myself that, in order to be a photographer, I needed to work as a professional freelance - and I've been told as well, to be honest. I couldn't be happier about the conscious shift I choose for my "career", working more and more with knowledge transmission and, better than ever, on personal projects. An intervenant/e plasticien/ne is not a teacher nor an educator, but an artist sharing and leading a project for and with the public.

Next to my artistic practice I found real meaning in a work of transmission, and the trigger came with my admission to the Cépia de Bourges training: this is where we have the chance to start a journey so that the transmission harmonizes with the meaning of our practice, leading us to a double reflection in a privileged atmosphere, in particular that of an art school. During the Cépia training, we work on the role and importance of partner institutions as well as on the adaptation of projects to different audiences.

Pedagogy Dossier upon request.


A coté de ma pratique artistique j’ai trouvé un vrai sens dans un travail de transmission, et le déclencheur a été mon admission à la formation Cépia de Bourges : c’est là qu’on a la chance d’entamer un parcours pour que la transmission s’harmonise avec le sens de notre pratique, nous amenant vers une double réflexion dans une ambiance privilégiée, notamment celle d’une école d’art. Pendant la formation Cépia, on travaille sur le rôle et l’importance des institutions partenaires ainsi que sur l’adaptation des projets aux différents publics.

Dossier Pédagogique sur demande.

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